hat you do your due diligence and find that place which is suitable for you. There are many banks that are not identical, nor are all credit unions are. If you want to make sure that you make the right choice, some research into the local choices is necessary. To help you get started with this guide, watch the video below to explain the distinctions and differences between bank branches and credit unions.

Big banks have a history of questionable behavior to say the least. Over the last few years, we’ve witnessed Wells Fargo’s scandal of creating fraudulent accounts , and some big banks packaging junk bonds as a good investment. You must ensure that your funds and investment do not get into the wrong hands. Although they may not be ideal, banks of large size can offer reliable and cost-effective banking options. Credit unions may be an excellent alternative. Credit unions have a network and pay you back with local investment. Big banks usually keep this profit for themselves, and they don’t invest locally.


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