lso adapt your home to meet your requirements better. Aging in place renovations can help make your home safer for older people. In this clip from Pierce County Television, you’ll be able to find great ideas for remodeling for seniors.

The majority of seniors be unable to walk that make it challenging for them to access the bathroom and take a shower or get out of the shower. For seniors, comfort-height toilets are better than regular toilets. Installing grab bars are an efficient way of increasing toilet safety!

Many seniors also find it hard to get up and down the stairs. If you reside in a multi-story house, add features to the ground floor of your residence, for instance, the bathroom that is large or a bedroom. This way, you’ll be more likely to take stairs less often. If anyone in your family uses a walker or a wheelchair, think about widening your access points.

A few renovations could significantly improve a senior’s quality of living. The elderly can enjoy a life of independence regardless of disabilities in mobility. Renovations to your home are a great way to help the elderly. You can make your home safer as well as more comfortable for those with disabilities regardless of whether you’re contemplating your golden years or are worried about someone who is close to you.


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